Mirror, Mirror


Michael is mesmerized by a mysterious female stranger at a psychic fair who is inspecting a bizarre looking hand mirror on a magician's table.


He approaches but she seemingly vanishes without a trace.  The magician tells Michael about the mirror which he believes has magical powers.


Michael steals the mirror and notices that when he views somebody's reflection, he can see their true self.  Testing it out on Gargoyle reveals him to be nothing more than a plastic ornament.


After waking from an erotic dream, Michael heads out on a midnight sojourn to an abandoned house where the woman unexpectedly appears.


She quickly seduces him, but Michael notices himself becoming weak and feeble, as if drained of vitality. A glimpse of the woman's reflection in the hand mirror reveals a ghastly creature with snakes for hair.


After consulting Gargoyle, it's reasoned that for every indiscretion he commits, an extra snake appears in the woman's hair.


In desperation but to no avail, Michael approaches a Voodoo Witch Doctor, followed by a Greek Exorcist requesting they expel the snakes from his girlfriend's hair leaving him to enjoy a hot babe minus the scaly baggage.


Lisa theorizes that this woman believes Michael has the potential to become a bastard and that she will be baiting him to physically assault her, so she will own him forever.


As Michael walks through Southgate Shopping Complex with his girlfriend trailing behind, he holds the mirror up aloft, casting an eye on her scaly reflection, before he runs into the aggrieved magician.


A tug of war emanates over the mirror, resulting in it crashing to the ground. Michael again gazes at the woman's reflection from the shattered glass, which now reveals a different yet arguably more horrific creature.